About First Source Worldwide

First Source Worldwide

Serving the dye and chemical manufacturing and distribution requirements of clients across the globe, First Source Worldwide, LLC (FSW) offers quality-focused solutions. The company takes pride in sourcing its colorants and chemicals from responsible, and a dedicated team of First Source Worldwide logistics professionals is backed by world class laboratories and knowledgeable technical support.

Among the sectors served by FSW are the textile, carpet, leather, household, and agricultural industries. The firm maintains seven sites across North America that serve as production and distribution hubs, and its four laboratories are staffed by experienced scientists with a focus on maintaining ISO 9001:2015 certification standards.

Among the company’s offerings are acid, basic, reactive, and solvent dyes. The company also produces a full range of organic and inorganic pigments in a range of colors. As required, FSW is able to match any color in forms such as powder, solid, liquid, and granular. The company’s extensive network helps create supply-chain efficiencies from locales ranging from India to China.

First Source Worldwide, LLC is built on the concepts of Passionate People, Responsible Sourcing and Quality Commitment.